Meet Raquel Garza

A real estate guru who will help you obtain home ownership and strategies to Kingdom wealth creation.

Raquel Garza

Hi! I am honored to serve you!

As teenage parents, my husband and I navigated hardships. These early struggles sparked a fire within us to one day own our home. The joy that came with securing our first home at 18 years old still resonates. Married 27 years, our journey in real estate birthed a fervent desire to help others secure their own equity. Thus, this led to the inception of our HOME plan– ‘HOME Ownership Made Easy.’

Our dedicated team and esteemed affiliates are committed to transforming your dreams into keys and obstacles into opportunities echoing through generations. As a daughter, mother, wife, sister, and entrepreneur, this heartfelt mission is to empower you with financial security and real estate wealth.

We hope our team contribution leaves a legacy and encourages others to repeat the same act of kindness.

At your service,

Raquel Garza

Beloved, I pray you to prosper concerning all things and to be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

3 John 1:2, NKJV